Comments from Clover Ernest

Date Story title Comment
2016-08-02 09:34:32 A guy and his....? 16 Servant another great chapter pars, keep it up
2016-08-02 09:50:47 A guy and his...? 17 Aunt love the plotline and all the sex, but wouldnt he end up getting Gen, Rosalinda, or Rashala pregnant??
2016-08-02 10:23:46 A guy and his....? 19 Unstoppable keep em comin pars!!
2016-08-02 10:46:05 A Guy and his....? 20 Unforgiven to the anon suggesting for the truck to be like Kenny from South Park - you sir have a wonderful sense of humor. i too would like that.

Semper fi, Clover
2016-08-02 11:19:23 A guy and his...? 22 Redemption same as the previous anon, i was an bit upset at the lack of truck in the last one, but as soon as i read of the demise of the truck (Kenny, as ive come to call it) i posted this comment.
but then again, if u have something that is suggested and a lot of people like it, they will be expecting it ASAP, aka the next chap. but in order to appeal to his readers, yet still keep it interesting and full of suspense, pars001 waited a chapter before implementing the "infini-truck" -- genius idea.