Comments from Clover Ernest

Date Story title Comment
2016-08-04 09:18:09 A guy and his...? 34 Inger (to the previous anon)
yes, thats the forum page for this site. what do you want, a cookie?
2016-08-04 09:44:27 A guy and his...? 35 Mary Bobo0050, pars001 -- lets also not forget that the deadly trio want to fuck AND kill him, and the royal Jinn princess Amira wants to fuck him the first chance he gets, and Junos entire family (practically completely women) want to fuck his brains out so bad they even scheduled "appointments". man Jake is one lucky fucking son of a bitch.
overall between the 3 of us did we miss anything?? anyone? please correct me / us if we left something out.
2016-08-04 10:12:26 The princess and the Captain well said Catmandue53, very well said. pyroclast also has a bit of a koint, that however is still being worked on, so please, no more bitching about crap like that, that goes to everyone.
2016-08-04 10:26:25 The princess and the Captain and to all of you bitching about shit not being spelled correctly, you missed "emperoress" (empess). so if youre gonna bitch about all the mispelled words, make sure you get em all. otherwise, fuck off.
2016-08-04 11:21:09 The Black Willow (1) now onto part 2