Comments from Clover Ernest

Date Story title Comment
2016-09-25 22:17:44 Dead Stick 5 This is getting pretty interesting
2016-09-25 23:37:05 Dead Stick 7_(1) Damn. Don't know how nobody else caught this but glad u incorporated the Love of Lana into this. I'd been comparing them before thus and saw the IMMENSE similarities and was thinking that maybe you made them s but too closely related, then the other storyline I'd mentioned. Great save there Pars. Loved that series, so i know the rest of thisll be good too
2016-09-26 02:30:01 Dead Stick 8 Unholy motherfucking shit!!! That torture scene/s was absolutely brutally barbarian!! I like it.
2016-09-26 03:12:51 Dead Stick 9 Goddammit Pars!! You're such a for writer that i have to stop reading at the paragraph starting with " "Oh, they aren't actually, no one is now, not for the last 50 years or so." I told him trying to remember everything that Johnathon had told me when I had stopped by to give him the second living talisman, for their second baby. " to go back to read that pray on Love of Lana. Be back ina sec, after i freshen up on the history. Lol
2016-09-27 06:17:14 Dead Stick 13 Aw goddammit, Pars. You create such an outstanding series, eggs it perfectly, but yet still we wish to know more! THAT its how you know you're a legendary author!!
Keep at it with the rest of your sorties.

As always,
Semper Fidelibus Fidelis,