Comments from Shower_boy

Date Story title Comment
2015-06-30 08:59:01 Team photos Part 2 is now up. Enjoy
2015-07-01 05:41:52 Team Photos 2: Lauren_(1) An eager fan base! Hopefully i will have the next part up in 2 days and another 2 days after that.
Quick poll: do you want part 3 to be the rest of Lauren's back story? Why she is only sort of a virgin and who dusty is.
Or jump straight into Caitlyn's story and come back to Lauren later.
Either way this will be the next two parts, just which comes first.
2015-07-02 09:02:18 Team Photos 2: Lauren_(1) No spam or advertising comments please
2015-07-05 02:51:30 Team Photos 3: Caitlyn_(1) Working on part 4 as we speak!
2015-07-24 07:37:21 Team Photos 9: Caitlyn Caitlyn is a great name!