Comments from Shower_boy

Date Story title Comment
2015-12-31 03:59:40 Team Photos 10: Lauren The next part is finally up!
2015-12-31 06:16:19 Team Photos 10: Lauren I've posted the next part, but it seems to be stuck in edit mode and won't actually publish!
I don't what the fuck is wrong with it, but I'll keep trying
2016-01-06 07:27:08 Team Photos 10: Lauren As you would have noticed, part 11 is also included in this post. I tried that when i couldn't part 11 to post separately. Now that it has worked I'll cut this back to just part 10
2016-01-06 07:29:42 Team Photos 11: Caitlyn_(1) I've got one more part to finish for this series, then I'll be writing something else. I had hoped to have it published already, but alas work gets in the way. Hopefully be up this weekend.
Glad you're all enjoying it.
2016-01-21 07:46:48 Team Photos 11: Caitlyn_(1) Sorry its taking me so long to get this last part done. I tried writing a bit every day, but i can't seem to get a good flow going when i do that, so I need to get a couple of hours at a time to write which is hard to do.
But rest assured, I am working on it and hope to finish sooner rather than later. Thanks for your patience