Comments from GhostCharger

Date Story title Comment
2016-04-16 05:38:25 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 5 I still want to see something on the Union and Devils Best in the past. That could very well be interesting. I saw sitting on the fence with the first chapter and wasnt too sure of it, but now seeing it flesh out into all sorts of awesomeness. The completely different path that Guy has been forced down is a head f%#& in itself and i cant get enough of it :)
2016-04-16 00:28:00 City Guardsman Wooohooooooo. Sweet stuff, last i spoke with him he wasnt interested in doing it himself. Im happy to say he has said yes to alllowing you to do it :)
2016-04-15 13:21:34 City Guardsman I have spoken with him and he isnt interested at the moment in restoring his older works but wants to focus on his new stuff, which is understandable. The older works are just too vast and daunting to even think of getting into. Time better spent on his new stuff. Anyone out these have anything on his old stuff? God I'd love to read it again, his non-erotic stuff still here has been cut far too much and been hacked to pieces so it fits into that catagory. I remember reading alot more to those stories.
2016-04-15 13:15:11 City Guardsman God i miss all his early stuff, especially the Kittling Empire series. His new stuff is awesome, but i truelly miss the thousands of older works that have been lost :(
2016-05-18 14:01:28 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 6 Ahhh this is soooo AWESOME!!!
The different Guy has finally started to emerge, damn his rage now takes a different angle. I seriously cant wait to see where this leads. He has met Imelda now, she loves her hardarse lovers and Guy is steering right into her radar. I cant quite see a new Natty though, although Syd's character resembles her abit. Thoroughly enjoying this POI, keep up this magnificent work :)