Comments from Misty_Tiratzo

Date Story title Comment
2015-08-18 12:41:18 The Kidnapping_(2) Gosh, I see so many typos and mistakes, I'm sorry, I'll try harder and edit better next story :)
2017-05-13 00:24:15 Smalltalking_(2) I think that this really happened. Thank you for sharing. You have given me so much to think about
2017-06-12 19:01:46 Home Economics Chapter 01 Cool, my kind of girl. I loved this story got me all sexcited, dunno why
2017-06-13 11:51:45 01 - The Chico Tales Loved it Julie, very descriptive, filled with imagery and sensuality rather than blatant in-your-face sex. Murphybeat10, feel free to rub your comma to this comment and or and other stories that authors post here, We publish here for our and other's pleasure accept positive criticism, but not whining from someone who's never published here, plethora of commas or not, this is a wonderfully sensual story, and thank you Julie for sharing it with us
2017-06-13 16:39:36 my bitch jess I've seen guys and dogs before and witnessed them coupling, I wish you'd describe it more though, give us readers your feelings, so please, yah, shoot me a note, I'd love to talk to you more