Comments from Misty_Tiratzo

Date Story title Comment
2017-06-15 18:43:58 That was my daughter in that porn tape. Good good GOOD I loved it :)
2017-06-20 14:06:42 The Journey ( a prequel if you will) I put this together for the guys and girls who email me wanting to find out more a Honi and it took me longer than I thought, I'd like to say this story was about the sensuality rather than the sexuality of canine sex, but in the end I feel I explained how we girls do it, and what compels us to try. I'ts an addiction
2017-06-24 13:45:53 Max gets some Blown away by your feminine insight, you nail the "will I or won't I" very well, as well as the physical side, which ends up meaning only our minds stand in the way of what becomes an addiction
2017-06-24 14:16:16 Vampire next door * love vampire stories, this didn't disappoint, but you left us hanging. You better finish this!!!
2018-03-11 16:24:34 The Seminar Sadly no one bothered to tell me if they liked this, or should I continue or not