Comments from Monkey'sTail

Date Story title Comment
2016-05-30 22:09:11 When the full moon rises Hey guys. Thanks so much for the positive comments! This is the first time I ever wrote something and put it online. I'm glad to see so many people like it. I left the ending open as I wasn't sure I wanted to write more, but wanted to keep the possibility open. I can't promise anything but I'll look in to writing more. Perhaps till next time!
2017-05-17 03:15:34 I Am Pet_(1) Hoo boy. That was just perfect. This is exactly the kind of story that I absolutely love to read. And it's very well written too. Plus it has an interesting perspective and does the 'show, don't tell' so very very well. No introduction needed, the relationship and background is nicely woven into these characters themselves and the little flashbacks at appropriate times, just perfect. Well done, truly.
2017-12-19 22:37:11 Panopticon My god, that was absolutely amazing! I don't know why this doesn't have more comments, it's so good. This has to be absolutely one of the top stories I've ever read on the site, in multiple ways. First of all it's a very fascinating idea. I feel like I'm reading 1984 with a sex twist, which is amazing. It's also very well executed. The story flows just where it needs to, you explain all the emotions really well, the twist at the end is really good, the foreshadowing of it making it even better. And it was such a great writing style too. The repititions, the separation of all the selves, making it feel almost clinical, the way you indirectly say what he's doing without having to spell it out, making for even more separation, while at the core there's so much emotion between these characters. And lastly, very good sex scene. Just wow. I'm going to very much enjoy reading more from you.
2017-12-19 22:37:22 Panopticon My god, that was absolutely amazing! I don't know why this doesn't have more comments, it's so good. This has to be absolutely one of the top stories I've ever read on the site, in multiple ways. First of all it's a very fascinating idea. I feel like I'm reading 1984 with a sex twist, which is amazing. It's also very well executed. The story flows just where it needs to, you explain all the emotions really well, the twist at the end is really good, the foreshadowing of it making it even better. And it was such a great writing style too. The repititions, the separation of all the selves, making it feel almost clinical, the way you indirectly say what he's doing without having to spell it out, making for even more separation, while at the core there's so much emotion between these characters. And lastly, very good sex scene. Just wow. I'm going to very much enjoy reading more from you.
2017-12-19 23:58:18 How to Write a Terrible Sex Story Great read! This has given me a lot to think about. Even some inspiration to continue the story I did over a year ago. I'm not much of a writer yet but thinking about this makes me excited to start again, thank you.