Comments from Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path

Date Story title Comment
2016-03-23 23:30:41 Body of a Man, Mind of Machine - Chapter Two_(1) I tried them, didn't like the way their page worked.
2016-03-28 17:21:44 Body of a Man, Mind of Machine - Chapter One And that's exactly why I restrict the voting. Because of asshole like you.
2016-03-28 21:20:58 Body of a Man, Mind of Machine - Chapter Two_(1) Great, and now people are downvoting out of spite.
2016-08-05 12:56:12 I Dream of Angels: Part 3 - ALTERNATE ENDING Well right now I'm just working on trying to repost what stories I can, as well as updating them. As for any new series, I don't know yet. I'm kind of low on ideas.
2016-04-07 17:09:37 Body of a Man, Mind of Machine - Chapter Three_(1) I vote on my own stories and restrict voting because I'm trying to get them a fair chance. It's bad enough when someone ridicules your work, I can at least handle that, but all it takes is one asshole with a click of the mouse to downvote your story and hurl it into oblivion to never see the light of day. The first two chapters did great, then the assholes got to it and voted it down. There is no reason why my third chapter should have gotten such a bitter response.