Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2018-01-26 19:17:38 THE QUIET AND SHY NUN As to be demeaning, that is never my intention. I just have had over seventy years of life and experiences to come to some very firm convictions. I recognize that others have theirs, and I rejoice when another's set of beliefs intersects with mine and celebrate the convergences.
2018-01-26 19:55:34 THE QUIET AND SHY NUN And find the differences, very interesting.
2018-01-29 23:31:34 COUNTRY FOLK [Augmented] I just hope that my love and respect for farm folk came through in my telling of this story.
2018-01-30 07:19:07 THE BASH BROTHERS NOTE: A reader with a sense of humor. Cooool!
2018-01-30 22:44:11 Daughter in law 1-2(continuation) A wonderfully written 'slice of life story!'