Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2017-11-14 04:18:12 THE ENGINEERING STUDENT Interesting, the one positive vote was deleted and two more negative ones added. Makes a person wonder sometimes what forces are operational on this board.
2017-11-14 07:33:07 The Neighbors Daughter_(0) Exploratory well told.
2017-12-12 20:24:49 SLEEPY TIME_(2) Sometimes I am puzzled by the welcoming that my stores get on this site. I know that my stories aren't as lavish in expansive sexual descriptions as some. They are mostly story driven. I do seem to have a small coterie of appreciators of my efforts, though. And I understand that no story here is above honest criticism and negative votes. But, if a reader here on this site doesn't really like my stories, why don't they just move on to the more widely read stories by other authors here. They are likely to have the magnum sexual descriptions that many here crave. Or is it just spite that is in action, or some retribution for some imagined or real reaction of mine on the board? Or might they be trying to chase me off the board for some reason(s)? I don't really know, since the board is now blocking on their most all of the comments that try to come to me. So, if you are one of those that do like my stories, I would appreciate your support, so that they don't fall into oblivion.
2017-12-13 18:47:30 SLEEPY TIME_(2) Thank you for the update, Gina. I didn't know that anonymous comments were done away with. And it is so nice to hear from you.
2017-12-22 21:10:23 The World's First Futa 01 – Transformed into a Futa Chapter 2: Futa's First Taboo Menage Love the story, sir! A dream of mine is find a true gilr with a dick to play with. As long as it is very modestly sized, hehehehe

To narutoisawesome, I would like some kind of service like that, too. But, am very nervous about sharing my work directly with a third party.