Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2017-07-13 08:17:04 FOR TINSEY I just wanted to highlight what the mother did, and why she did it. It seems to me that sometimes unethical actions done for very loving reasons are appropriate after all.
2017-07-13 08:21:36 SENSUOUS NURSES 3 I am glad this story lately is getting additional readings and respect. I think that the virtual reality wrestling match is one of funniest things that I have ever written.
2017-07-13 08:25:44 SERIOUS KINK The relationship between Cassie and Brandon is based on a failed relationship that still agonizes me in my heart. The story takes off as an extrapolation of what might have happened between her and me.
2017-07-13 08:28:47 SERIOUS KINK And Gina, I despite my teasing about it, have never considered myself as a pervert. Just an sexually aware and enlightened 'everyman,' I have never physically hurt a woman in my life, nor have I ever forced my attentions on one, either. I am not a saint, but I don't believe that I am evil, either.
2017-07-18 23:54:24 THE WARD_(1) Thank you Stealth Eagle for your kind and generous comments. I started writing my stories to be like the ones that I would want to read. They were not intended to be so erotic in nature, just honest in sexual dealings and descriptions. So, they were written for myself and I am happy when others appreciate them too. I actually read them over and over, partly in a continued effort to polish them. I am taking an hiatus from further publishing on this site while I complete a novel based on the DOORS stories. It is mostly complete with 13 more episodes already completed. I believe that you have commented on my stories before and will look forward to further comments as you provide them. Thank you, sir.