Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2017-06-21 15:13:54 Cherry Popper Sweet, logical and well told!
2017-06-22 02:32:46 LITTLE SISTER HELPS [felt as if I was reading a sex story written by my high school English teacher who couldn't stop talking.]

As accurate a description as has ever been made of me! :-) :-) :-)

You made my day!
2017-06-30 10:38:32 Lonely ... life sucks !!! I very much understand 'Lonely Middle-Aged Crazy!!!
2017-07-02 18:27:33 My Life. Ch. 4... I was hoping that Adam would get around to doing little Kelly.
2017-07-02 18:49:10 My Life. Ch. 5... I feel really good about Kelly getting hers.