Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2017-05-09 18:20:38 THE ARCHITECT AND THE BIKINI_(0) pyroclast: Sorry, I just didn't get what you were trying to say in your comment. But, thank you for commenting.
2017-05-09 20:34:19 Grandma's Secret ItsNormy: Amen to that!
2017-05-12 21:01:03 THE ARCHITECT AND THE BIKINI_(0) You might want to try my THE MASTER AND THE SLAVE story that I just posted last night. I wrote it about four years ago with my then lover, the native girl. It tugs at my heart every time I read it.
2017-05-13 02:32:32 THE MASTER AND THE SLAVE Thank You Gina, this story is a cut to the heart for me. I was in love with a young woman who obviously loved me, but never told me so. And it hurts to this day. Also, I view this story as the path of growth in a life. We each need to learn our lessons before we harm people. And if we do harm someone, make it come out to something positive in the end.
2017-05-13 03:04:33 AN INCEST SAGA #2: MOTHER AND SON Moxme22-No, I have them on my computer where I composed them and have hard copies in case my computer goes down. I have several stories that are not acceptable on this site, so will eventually look for another one to post them.