Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2017-02-28 03:26:12 TAXI DRIVER 12, 13 & 14 It is a challenge at first. You would be advised to develop your taste for it with a very gentle and experienced lover. I have helped several to develop a liking for it. It took some longer than others, but they all like it very much now. It is especially appreciated by fecund young women and with men who might otherwise be teased about a smaller member. Worth the effort if you give it a real chance. Remember that losing your vaginal virginity was painful at first, too. And like some women who blow right thru that with little pain, the same can said to be true sometimes for some with the discomfort usually associated with rear play. When it is successful it seems to sponsor an especially close feeling between the sharers.
2017-02-28 03:42:40 TAXI DRIVER 12, 13 & 14 You might note my comment in #11. Perhaps a conversation might be in order. You would have to initiate it if you like the idea. Not insult to me if you don't.
2017-05-05 23:42:19 AN INCEST SAGA #6: THE TEENS Sorry about that. There was another posting that was supposed to before this one. It is now posted as 5A and should show up on Monday or Tuesday, which will hopefully untweek the cheeks of those so negatively rating this story.
2017-05-05 23:45:07 SENSUOUS NURSES 4 Hmmmmm. I guess that a little lover's reality stung some of my readers. Never fear the next and last posting will make for a rousing finish to this story arc.
2017-05-05 19:05:07 Older people need love to_(0) Lovely story! And you should know that I consider 'pairs gardening' as the second most sexy thing that a couple can do together.