Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2017-03-03 06:21:28 A TIME AND PLACE FOR US My Dear Gina, few of us are freaks. Most of us are just our own version of the human condition, with all of its interesting varieties and frailties. I look forward to your email if it can get to me. And If you allow it I have some really hot stories to share with you, too.
2017-03-15 01:17:52 TAXI DRIVER 14 How much snow do you have on the ground there?
2017-02-15 05:20:33 THE WARD_(1) Sort of wondering when there will be more publishing of stories here. Often twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, but not for eighteen days now.. I have two stories awaiting. Just a respectful curiosity posting.
2017-02-16 13:01:32 Incestuous Harem 16: Big Sis is Punished Awesome story arc!
2017-03-14 20:06:37 TAXI DRIVER 14 I have experienced and then believe that if a guy takes seriously the lady's need for satisfaction in lovemaking, he not only gets a grateful lady, but ten times the fun for himself that he would get if he only takes his own pleasure into account. And satisfaction doesn't always result in a climax for her. Sometimes she just isn't in a mental or physical state to accomplish this. But, the raising of her feelings and stimulating of her sensitivities is very pleasing to a woman, too. A woman can have a very unsatisfactory experience that includes a climax and a very fulfilling one that doesn't.