Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2017-03-14 18:08:06 TAXI DRIVER 14 And yeah, I think that a bisexual lady that I very much admire and a horny old bachelor who writes scurrilous stories could find some common ground if the ground between them was in the same vicinity.
2017-03-03 21:06:29 INTROSPECTION Sorry, if I implied that you were anything but an upright lady, Gina. And I live in the NW. corner of Washington State. Wouldn't mind visiting Maine some day if there was sone one to guide me around.
2017-03-03 19:09:40 INTROSPECTION Gina, you might send me the first three letters of the site that you are trying to send your stories to. To make sure that it is the right one. I changed the site that I use on this board lately.
2017-03-03 18:15:10 INTROSPECTION Sex is one of the most enjoyable and friendly things two friends or lovers can share in. But, certainly not the only. I am much interested in the atmosphere, motivations and feelings of the persons who engage in sex. Those are often much more interesting than the sex itself. Just like making a drive trip, often the travelis the highlight of the adventure.,
2017-03-03 18:18:43 INTROSPECTION And honest to God, I read over and edited this work at least four times. But, upon rereading it this morning I see several candidates for Miss B's red penciling and snaky comments. She would have included the usual encouragements, too. When I was her student for two years, after the first two submissions, I regularly went over my work at least ten times with a fine toothed comb. There were very few errors in grammar in them. Just don't hav the patience to go through that anymore.