Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2017-02-22 17:22:37 LITTLE GIRL'S PAYDAY_(1) Despite all of the drama that I have encountered here, I am very thankful to have found a place where my stories can be read by others. My family and friends hate them for ethical reasons. So, the fair minded readers and commentators here have become my literary family. A special notice of Mature Gina, who has bee a favorite encourager almost from the beginning. My health has become shaky, so don't become alarmed (or too happy) if I suddenly disappear from here. I may have just gone to where I deserve to be (?) where ever that is. From there I will still admire many of you and be very thankful of others. The others can join me to my anticipated destination, if that turns out like I suspect.
2017-02-22 17:25:59 LITTLE GIRL'S PAYDAY_(1) Last line should read: Those other than them can join me to my anticipated destination, if it turns out as I suspect.
2017-02-23 21:04:24 LITTLE GIRL'S PAYDAY_(1) About Trolls and rude posters. There seems to be a considerable influence on this board to have the recipients of their offerings to just ignore them. While admitting to occasional over reaction to hurtful posts on my stories, I am still not going to take downright rude and trolling conduct on my stories without comment. 'Rolling over' for those type of villains is not effective in reaction to them. It only encourages them and seemingly to them vindicates their behavior. Of course, over-reacting to them doesn't help either. Which I have been guilty of. And this site in the interest of being an open forum endures at least some of their influence. But, perhaps someday the forum will find a way to identify the worst offenders and then do something to stop them without barring any comments at all like they have evidently done on this group of postings, without my permission. I do thank them for their efforts to address my complaints over this which have been shared and suffered.
2017-02-23 21:08:31 LITTLE GIRL'S PAYDAY_(1) 'Troll" comments continued---by others too, even before my coming here. And I have had to deal with trolls on other forums, long before coming here. In those cases, my reacting to the, and addressing my concerns to the authorities on these sites, did help to bring a lot of relief to me and to others, without having my privileges of posting interfered with. With all due respect, I hope for the same here someday.
2017-02-23 21:15:10 LITTLE GIRL'S PAYDAY_(1) Also, I have been recently deemed the recent MASTER STORY TELLER by a well meaning reader and the most hated person on this site, by a less well meaning one.

I was wondering if I could get trophies with each of those appellations upon them for my nonexistent mantle over my natural gas fireplace.

If not, perhaps I will have them made for myself to remind myself of a very pleasant sojourn on a well-meaning sexual literary site.