Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2017-03-28 19:34:07 LEGACY REPOSTING # 17 Sorry, I had to add another story as #18 in this series for continuity on another story line that is going to get a new episode soon.

The story line proceeds from Legacy Reposting # 18, to #4, to #5, To #6, To #7 and then to a new story, SEEDER SHIP, which will come out soon.
2017-03-17 07:20:55 OLE' HOSS GOES TO TOWN 2 And the wise as well as loving woman by being canny does the best by her man as well as herself!
2017-03-17 04:29:25 OLE' HOSS GOES TO TOWN 2 My Dear Gina, could she actually be canny: prudent, shrewd, knowing, sagacious.......... all survival characteristics in a male dominated world?
2017-03-16 03:47:25 LEGACY REPOSTING #16 These two stories are prequels to the story: LAZY, HAZY, CRAZY DAYS OF SUMMER.
2017-03-16 01:42:27 LAZY, HAZY, CRAZY DAYS OF SUMMER This story is a sequel to the stories in Legacy Reposting # 16.