Comments from James Dylan Dean
Date | Story title | Comment |
2017-03-27 13:26:25 | MASTERS OF SEDUCTION | I was horsing around on the internet yesterday and ran into an article on a newspaper cartoonist of years ago. He was famous for his illustrations of machines that were very complicated to accomplish simple things. Usually achievable in a much easier fashion. I guess that I conceived of this story in the same manner without realizing it! So, in honor of him, I dub this a Sexual 'Rube Goldberg' Process. |
2017-03-27 17:07:10 | INTROSPECTION | A PRIMER ON CERTAIN WORDS AND THEIR %'S. Never 0% Rarely 0%+ to 20% Seldom 20%+ to 30% Occasionally 30%+ to 40% Near Even 40%+ to 49% Even 50% More often than not 50%+ to 60% Often 60%+ to 80% Regularly 80%+ to 90% Almost always 90%+ to 99% Always 100% Ust because you should have asked for your continuing education. hehehehe |
2017-03-25 13:31:19 | Kissing Cusinz | This is simply a wonderful story. I hope that there is some co-relationship with your own life, since the feelings in it are so very realistic. A couple of mismatched words to keep the Grammar Nazis happy, too. As close to a perfect story as ever finds its way onto this site. Keep writing sir! And I love your handle, too. |
2017-02-02 20:59:36 | TAXI DRIVER 9 | Thank you for that. My postings tend to be story driven, in contrast to the very lurid stories of others here. If you want others that I highly esteem you could check on the work of senorlongo and mypenname3000. |
2017-03-24 04:37:44 | Wish Granted | Very imaginative. Well Done! |