Comments from James Dylan Dean

Date Story title Comment
2017-06-08 19:12:53 CLIFF AND THE TWINS I am somewhat dismayed by the reception that this story is getting. I wrote it about three years ago, before posting on this site. I feel that it is one of the best ones that I have written. It is all about a young man's journey from a tumultuous youth to a solid future, because of a good heart, hard work, focused optimism and the love of true hearts. These are influences that many of us have benefited by.
2017-06-07 05:23:11 DOORS Thank you for your civil and good-natured criticism. My stories do have a central theme and progression. It is not always apparent in the beginning of a story sequence. My stories are story driven and not sex driven. Sex is very apparent in them, but of secondary importance to the motives and forces at work in people's sex lives. There are many other writers here very much more adept at sexual descriptions. You might seek some of them out. They are usually the ones with very high reader counts.
2017-06-07 05:25:24 DOORS 2 I think that I addressed your concerns mostly on the number one story of this progression, DOORS. Thank you for your polite and civil tone in your critical comments.
2017-06-11 04:18:06 CLIFF AND THE TWINS Go Figure!!! Started out with an 0-3 against and stayed like that for hours. Then 27-1 since for a very respectable 87.1 % total. Thank you for all who voted for this story. It was written a few years ago and means a lot to me..
2017-06-06 05:55:59 The Absolute Perfect Girl Very well told! Sweet story.