2016-12-31 04:29:53 |
The Neighbor's Daughter II: Candy's Friend Tasha
Too much like the story with Candy...only the names have been changed. :-( |
2016-12-10 21:19:51 |
Lovely Dove
How soon will there be a part 2 (and 3 and 4 and 5....)?? Excellent story!! |
2016-12-31 15:42:33 |
Carol II: It Runs in the Family
Good story but your details are a little off. In the original story Carrie was 13 and Deb was 11. Now it's 8 years later and they are only 17 and 16 respectively? The timeline doesn't add up. They should be 21 and 19. Then they meet up again 6 years after Carrie gets married and she's 23...that fits with the timeline of age for her age from the age you have her when she got married but still off by the age in the original story. Sorry, don't mean to nit pick but those kinds of details pop out at me. lol I was an English major in high school and my senior English teacher said something I will never forget. "A good writer makes sure all their facts measure up during a good story". Must be why I notice things like that. LOVE your stories though. Now you need an update on Carrie and Ted and baby? |
2016-12-18 18:56:19 |
Lucy's lucky break
Why did you refer to it as The Hangman's Arms a couple times instead of The Hangman's Cock? |
2016-12-18 17:20:38 |
Princesses & Monsters
So where is part 2? Going by the dates of the comments, it's been almost a year and a half. |