Comments from Libby Jean

Date Story title Comment
2017-01-20 08:10:13 Giving into Darkness (Part 7) Crying that he had to leave Sage. Please make it a true love story and find a way to reunite them. (I'm a sucker for a good romance. lol) Waiting anxiously for the next chapter.
2017-01-22 15:57:16 Forced Family This story was stolen from PAS on Literotica!!!
Forced Family (4.41) Family has car trouble, and that's just the beginning. NonConsent/Reluctance 11/19/01
2017-01-26 21:25:49 Amie and the Comte The very first words are "16 year old Amie"...but when she leaves the study after being summoned and then beat with the riding crop, 'martial shakes his head in wonderment at how a 14 year old learnt such skills'. So is she 16 or 14? I thought all "participants" in the stories had to be 18? Also noticed it mentions Amie's maid bathing her and perfuming her pussy, 'then using rough highlighted her vulva'...shouldn't that be rouge? ;-) Sorry, I was an English major and little inconsistencies always catch my attention. Very good story though. I look forward to part 2.
2017-02-11 03:37:20 Giving into darkness (Part eight.) I absolutely want to have you continue this story!!! I forgot it was on this site and have been searching for about 2 weeks on another site trying to find it. I was soooooo happy to finally find this chapter. PLEASE write MANY MANY more chapters!!! And soon!!! lol Can't wait for the next installment!!!