Comments from Jeffezy626

Date Story title Comment
2018-05-13 16:03:31 IHNC 7 Judy Gets Tough To: Anonymous reader
2014-10-21 01:46:42

Becky was a virgin, has had sex with only ED and is supposed to be on the pill, Christine was a virgin, has had sex with only ED and is on the pill, Becky's mum is obviously clean so I really don't see any need for a condom so stop it with all the condoms give a story credibility
2018-05-20 14:30:02 I Love Lucy Where is part 2 please
2018-05-27 11:15:21 SLEEPY TIME_(2) Hey James, you shouldn't be puzzled, your stories are great!!! Your stories can never fall into oblivion, I love them and will now make it a personal mission of mine to put at least a comment on every one of your stories here. Please keep posting here and keep up the good work
2018-06-09 10:58:57 Queen Yavara: Chapter Twenty-Nine This was wonderful White Wall, I've never seen a better writer than you. I wish William Shakespeare would be alive today to see your work. He'd be amazed!!! Please keep writing more
2018-06-14 16:33:14 Queen Yavara: Chapter Twenty-Nine Hey WhiteWall still here, still waiting for Chapter Thirty