Comments from Jeffezy626

Date Story title Comment
2018-10-01 17:57:46 April_(2) The cock sizes of the boys is so unrealistic!!! 10", 12"? Nah, that killed it for me
2018-11-12 00:22:59 A Family Man: Part 1 Awakenings This is a very good start. I'm hoping for better. Thanks DevilBehindBlueEyes, please keep up the good work
2018-11-12 00:36:47 A Family Man: Part 2 The Journey Home Great second part, I'm sensing a start to something really good. Please continue
2019-02-12 17:47:35 The Rocker Part 5_(4) This the most unrealistic bullcrap I've ever read!!! Would you in real life continue taking back a girl who keeps cheating on you and endangering your life? I don't care if he forgives them but he has to drop Kathy and move on
2019-02-21 10:15:50 SCHOOL FOR GIRLS: PART THREE Is the story ending here or do you intend to continue it