Comments from albertofatto

Date Story title Comment
2019-04-23 19:59:15 Fucking My Sister Cassie Everytime I try to read one of your stories it fucking sucks. I just want you to know I try to read them before I drop a fat fucking negative in this shit.
2019-05-02 15:45:54 Tales From the Loft: The Hunters One of the best Ive read on this site.
2019-05-02 15:46:43 Willow and her Dad Part two_(0) Mate, you need to learn how to use commas.
2019-05-02 15:47:50 Willow and her Dad Part two_(1) Yo, you posted the same story twice. And it had the same problems. commas mate, commas.
2019-05-03 21:15:46 Seducing Her Father I enjoyed this... the first time I read it.