Comments from albertofatto

Date Story title Comment
2019-02-28 20:39:08 SECRETS OF LIBERTY MOUNTAIN (Updated+Revised: 97,650 words) Hey nathan. Why is that everyone who voted for you all made their accounts yesterday? wtf mate.
2019-02-28 21:48:39 SECRETS OF LIBERTY MOUNTAIN (Updated+Revised: 97,650 words) Sure nathan. I magically knew you were going to post your story today, so in anticipation of that, I made nine alternates yesterday just to frame you. Wtf kind of reasoning is that mate? If I dont like a story, I downvote and move on. But seeing nine user votes for a new story made me suspicious, and lol they are all new accounts made yesterday. I'm just going to upvote you right now because this is hilarious to me.
2019-03-03 04:57:20 Sharing My Wife Amanda Chapter 1 Loved it mate. Def will read the sequel.
2019-03-21 21:36:46 Jamie's sister Nice to see you back mate lol.
2019-03-21 21:37:30 The Chauffeur (#32) The Board of Directors More. More. More.