Comments from albertofatto

Date Story title Comment
2019-04-05 20:54:48 Exhibitionist Sister - Chapters 1 - 3_(2) If I took every trope, and stuck them in a bag, and I shook it, this fucking story would come out. It's like it was written by a computer.
2019-04-12 19:17:52 The Good, The Bad and the Molly - Chapter Nine aw yeaah. took you long enough lol.
2019-04-12 19:23:46 No Man's Land_(2) Yo whats with the *** stuff? It's lije your censorung yourself on a fucking ponrsite lol. Good story thou.
2019-04-12 19:27:40 Being More Social - Chapters 1-5 Lol holy bajeezus aussieoak is right! Last time I checked this had around a million views, now it's at 1.64 millions! Tryin to get that permanent spot on the 'most read' section, eh mate? ;)

I like the hustle. Your stories deserve to be above most peoples anyway. Nobody got anywhere in life by playing nice. Cheating to win is still winning lol.
2019-04-18 04:41:04 The Chauffeur (#38) The Investigation Begins Great as always mate. You deliver again and again.