Comments from Nightowl12398

Date Story title Comment
2008-06-03 03:35:43 My little latina - ch1 What a sad little person you are.

Kind regards
2008-06-16 12:15:19 The Barfly - ch. 1, rewrite Well Martina, you got me there. :-)

If you read the story "Camp" you will find out that a psionic is a lot worse a phenomeon than God since a psionic has to bear the burden of human psych and is therefore imperfect to say the least.

Technically an unstable psionic is worse than an atomic bomb so using this phenomenon in my stories allows me almost unlimited freedom in the direction of Science fiction and human interaction.

In my first reply I was merely thinking in scope of the stories I have published so far. Since I'm still learning and practicing how to actually write stories I will reserve the complicated stuff until later. I don't think it is wise to jump into the deep end of the pool until I'm a bit more proficient on writing.

If you like a closer view on psionics take a look at my posting "What is a psionic". There I explain some of the things related to the phenomenon.

Kind regards
J. Bailey
2008-06-15 17:30:49 The Barfly - ch. 1, rewrite Thank you Martina, for your comment.

I never would have thought being halfways considerate and decent towards a female of the human species might be interperated as a synonym of being gay. WOW

Amazing how some people have to keep reminding us that we evolved from apes.

I never thought of comparing a Psionic to God. I think the Psionics are more about being able to do whatever you want without putting others into hams way.

Kind regards
J. Bailey
2008-06-18 10:14:23 Thank you kindly for your reply.

I think you have a few very valid points and as a comment, yours is a gem.

To mention Stephen King was more to clarify the direction i was taking with this story since one of the comments I got was rather hefty and in no context with the story's content. There is not a single scene in this story that has not been written into some other story or been displayed in one or the other movie or TV show. Compared to some of the things out there this story is rather tame IMHO.

This first version of the story is merely an idea I jotted down in anger over an, to say the least, sometimes imperfect school system. I know it sounds farfetched but it will be explained in more detail in a later version.

I will see if and when I finish a rewrite that contains more detail but as a rant towards our sometimes imperfect schoolsystem this felt like enough.

Kind regards
J. Bailey
2008-11-04 02:05:33 Thank you both for your kind words.

If you click on my login name at the top you will gain access to my other stories. But I would like to warn you that the only story I consider finished at this time is "The House - Part 3". The other stories are subject to rewrites, since they are actually my first writing experiments and will be replaced by final versions at some later stage.

Kind regards
J. Bailey