Comments from DudeInATurtleneck

Date Story title Comment
2018-06-19 15:30:34 Life With Aunt Jess Pt 2_(4) I like the story...well written, sexy, entertaining. Out of curiosity, what was the original, not-as-popular ending?
2019-02-21 20:03:08 The Rocker Part 1_(9) Great story...just read it in one block. Well done characters, well written. I had one question though...

I understand the girls’ behaviours; drawn to alpha males at that age. The one I didn’t understand was Josh...why was he disgusted with DW after the incident on Brook’s birthday? What were you trying to say with him distancing from DW? The characters never brought it up...Josh later says he told Brook she should’ve gone for DW, but it didn’t seem like it then.
2019-03-14 15:42:00 The Love Shared (Part 6) Is there a way to see part 5?
2019-03-15 15:40:08 I tried to warn you- P.1_(1) Certainly needs work… But the first thing that struck me was that this boy, with “no job and no life” somehow lives in his own place?
2019-11-18 21:21:16 Sister’s helping hand (pt-I) What happened to part 2?