Comments from DudeInATurtleneck

Date Story title Comment
2020-08-05 21:21:04 My daughter was finally returned Enjoyed the story a I have all your stories - just read them all recently - and found them all very good. Good plot, good characters, well written. A couple of comments:

1) THIS STORY: The one thing that didn’t work for me, though it could be written off as part of the father’s general confusion, is the butt plug...if he’s trying to establish that Robbyn is to feel safe here, not MADE to do things, and should feel comfortable. But then he is coerced by her puppy dog eyes and pout to doing something HE doesn’t want to do, which makes HIM uncomfortable. If he’s trying to set that environment, it should be for EVERYONE.
2020-08-05 21:23:08 My daughter was finally returned (Part two of comments)

2) GENERAL COMMENT: the big thing that stands with your stories out is that multiple-part tales DON’T FINISH. I understand wanting to create new, but ending old is also, perhaps EQUALLY, important
3) GENERAL COMMENT: the “I can only communicate my sexual thoughts indirectly”, esp. via text, is a neat idea, but doesn’t need to be in ALL your stories
2020-11-18 15:28:42 Spider-Man A very good story, but one thing seemed to be missing...The reveal to the mother! It seemed like, the way the story went, he should’ve taken off his mask after the threesome but before the shower, but it never happened.
2021-03-22 17:50:41 Evil Aunty Did some part of the story go missing? There’s a helluva jump between paragraph one in paragraph two