Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2020-04-25 20:43:20 The Lost Tribe, Part 8 This has been an interesting series in the " Robinson Crusoe" venue. "Blue Lagoon", "Swiss Family Robinson" as well as other such "Lost at Sea" type stories. I've not read your list, but here you have illistrated excellent scenario. character development, & creativity. THANKS for sharing your AWESOME talent with us. Starrynight wrote "when Morals Blur" about a Dad, Brothers & 2 Sisters straned on a island for months
2020-04-29 16:09:32 Naked Day - part 5 Starting #1, i nearly stopped; surely glad I didn't. Toward the end of #1 in got interesting, so I finished that & up came #2, much better. Just now, scrolling thru new postings, I clicked on the authors name remembering that there had been only 2 entries see what I had missed. Then caught up #3, 4, then 5. Really glad to see you continue #1 & 2, seemed a little incomplete. Enjoyed, It doesn't have to end here. They could have a "naked day" any time they liked & could invite guest with that stipulation & have a foursome, swapping partners so Bro & Tim get to enjoy & pleasure both sisters. That's HOT, HOT, HOT Since it is only 1 PM, it could happen after lunch this afternoon. Maybe a chapter 5A or Ch 6? Thanks for sharing life events like thlis!
2020-04-30 18:18:30 Ex Daughter Grown Up, Part 2,Taking Care Yes, I can tell as I expected, that this series will be just as outstanding as the previous series. Being a man of many words, it doesn't bother me like a previous "Reader". Thank you for your effort to write & post these series, sharing your creativity with us.
2020-04-30 20:15:31 Naked Day - part 6 Just as I though, "Afternoon delights" with a promise of continued evening delights considering the storm & damage. Thank you for sharing your creativity (true story) with us. Hot, HOT, HOTTER!
2020-05-01 19:41:37 The Things We Do at Home - part 3 Reality isn't as exciting as fiction, especially if it'someone else. Starry, really a good job of reality just like "Family traditions" is believable fiction. I'm sure this "life event" was not easy to share, but you surely "picked up on the emotion" that the participants seemed to experience. And, you wrote well. Kinda of a downer, but a true potential of moral & caring siblings. Sounds good & looks good but reality is not some others on film or paper.