Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2021-03-29 13:26:25 A Mother's Seduction -- Con't A little different slant to " Mom's Seduction"! Who was seduced by whom? Talk about reverse psychology & the power of suggestion, "'Please, Ber Bear, don't throw me in that brier patch. That would ae worse than you eatin' me!." Mom can't be blamed for bad actions of a son. Talk about latent & hidden desires surfacing. Awesome! THANKS! WOW!
2021-06-10 04:08:25 Growing up Polygamy 3! Very good!! This is the 1st time to comment for U. All 3 chapters have excellent scenario/ plot, good tech (grammar, spelling, tense & syntax), good paragraphs & dialogue. To me, the agqressivness of the "ladies" dose not bother me, but their use of course slang for body parts & actions takes away the re realisam the story shows overall. Dissapointed that years later the "loose ends" weren't tied into a conclusion. Enjoyed Ur talent.