Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2021-02-21 21:36:04 Family Rituals Part 2 Excellent like all your works I've read. Very incomplete without Pt 1 & "to be continued" I want to know what happens at the Sunday birthday party with Grandparents, Grankids. Parents & in-laws all nude! Is the family going to have a "bonding" of all3 generations? Looking forward to part 1 & a couple more chapters. (1) birthday party, (2) 'Debbie & husband foursome with Rob & Tami, then, 4 couples in the group. Expand the plot & more combos & possibilities (like each female triple penetration, partner watch). THANKS for all the AWESOME "tales!"
2021-02-22 07:30:54 DOWN ON THE FARM III Wish for a "iV" to see how ladies draw names to pass Trav around. How goes Alli/trav courtship? Does Julie find Mr. Right in 5 yrs? Is Handyman work? All sorts of "lose ends"" to "tie up"!
2021-02-24 05:41:08 Hot Horny Family I've already voted and don't remember reading it! Enjoyed it again like I had never read it before! Isn't technology great to remember what I can't..
2021-02-24 20:55:22 Come on Over . . . and My Mom Will Teach Us "sorry, too many votes today." So glad to hear about. 'To be continued'.
2021-02-24 21:10:38 Jack and Randy - Chapter 10 Hope this isn't 'the end'