Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2020-06-18 11:29:17 Sisters at the Shore Great scenario. Hot action details. The grammar & punctuation errors didn't detract my enjoyment of the story. THANKS AGAIN FOR sharing Ur creative talent with us.
2020-06-18 11:41:03 An employment change My first comments didn't post. Excellent introduction to. A great series. Glad Barry gave her choice just like on a regular date. Look forward to more on her new job. THANKS. for sharing !
2020-06-19 15:39:34 How I met my first wife Excellent scenario, up to Ur usual standards. I find it strange Joan would be willing to share U with her kin, Deb. Already at Ur young age, an open relationship. Really enjoy Ur entries I've read so far. Part 2 must have a different name, I'll look again! I'd like to know more about the courtship, & how & why U chose Deb, not Joan? Of course it's none of my business, but U opened the can , I want to see & hear about ALL the worms, especially those that get squirmy or hidden or eaten.
2020-06-20 00:23:50 We meet again chapter 1 Reminds me a little about my 9 yr affair before I married my prestnt wife. Every since I told her (courting) "Until we know where this is going, I'll date no one else!" It's still going (25 ys &I've had only her since I said that! When one has the best, why mess with the rest? Like every thing about Ur posts.
2020-06-21 23:43:36 Siblings Desire 2 So glad U wrote pt #2. Look forward for more parts to cum. Ur top drawer in my list. THANKS FOR Ur remarkable posts. I've enjoyed technical ("grammrg