Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2020-06-15 01:38:17 Creating My Hot Wife 16 Enjoyed reading thru the series again. Found a lot of forgotten events. At 78, with a "proper" wife that "cut me off" the last 2yrs because of my web reading literature. Both wives were/are very modest & straight laced. 1st wife with 29 yrs & 2 sons passed from diabetic complications. Present wife of 25 yrs lost her 1st husband if 19 yrs passed from a logging mishap. While with Faye, 1st wife, i played with 5 different women. None the last 25+ yrs.. Developed I provably couldn't do much if she let me. Stories don't "get me off" Hope the effort can build up my tetestrone so I can loose this "I don't want to do ANYTHING" attitude & fatigue.. THANKS for sharing. Another story or 2 about "Swapping Fathers", PLEASE
2020-06-15 02:19:21 Working Overtime 1 Liked it! Will watch updates for more.
2020-06-16 13:13:19 Mother and Daughter 3 I didn't vote. Don't think i could do a woman that didn't.want ir.
As a predominate TV preacher said, "Everything that's sex. Is not love!" This series is a classic example of extremes. The M/F.expressed no love whatsoever, but the F/F in every instance was swimming in love. THANKS for sharing Ur remarkable talent right up there with Edgar Allen Poe, Alfred. Hhitchcock, & Steven King.
2020-06-17 15:06:11 Tribe - Part 2 1 reason no comments on Pt#1, everyone wanted to read Pt #2. Ggood technical ( spelling, grammar, dialogue, & paragraphs). Excellent scenario, good flow, easy to follow & understand. " Sorry, you've already voted". I don't know when? Look forward to more episodes. THANK$
2020-06-18 02:54:19 Mother & Virgin Son--Part 3 of 3 This is good writing ! Look forward to more of Jess & Dylan as they try new things to sate their needs, passion, & desire. THANKS FOR sharing. Technical good (spelling, grammar, dialogue, & paragraphs) Excellent scenario, nice flow, awesome action details. Mostly clear who's talking. I missed thought vs spoked words confused me. Don't stop!