Comments from Slippery Saddle Bum
Date | Story title | Comment |
2008-05-09 04:27:52 | a cherry for her brother | Good story line but a lot of misspelled words and obviously no proof reading, before submission. If you're going to write and subject your work to criticism or compliments, don't let spelling or poor grammar be the things being criticized. Those two things detract from the reader's enjoyment of a good story. |
2008-05-10 00:16:36 | My son My love | Good story and, except for a few grammatical errors, well written. The other reader who asked the meaning of 'na' and said that it was a distraction was correct. I like the way you 'accidentally' (with the kiss) brought them to the sexual intimacy stage that they both wanted. |
2008-07-14 12:35:38 | Thanks for all your comments. I'm glad that you enjoyed it, as much as I did when I wrote it. The nature of the story made it a 'one shot' one, for me, and I don't see a sequel as having the intensity of the original so I'll let its beauty and love stand, as is. *SSB I've recently posted the re-write of "Camping with Mom" in the story section. (in case you missed it when I originally posted it in the forum section... while this one was inaccessible.) |
2008-07-19 02:54:04 | For READER 2008-07-18 18:31:12 wow you sure know how to use the word fuck don't you. But unfortunately swearing doesn't make you seem any cooler dumbass. ************************************************************* Sorry to have offended the delicate senses of someone who's so obviously discerning. In retrospect, I realize that this is no place to be using a word like fuck so how's this sound? I INTERCOURSED HER INTERCOURSING ASS OFF. You like that better? Good. Now go play with yourself. |
2008-07-21 18:44:44 | Yeah.... I forgot to proof it. If I had, I'd have seen that I hadn't finished presenting it in a readable outline. Sorry... I'll be good..... I promise. |