Comments from Slippery Saddle Bum
Date | Story title | Comment |
2010-03-25 07:56:38 | Redemption | Now THAT was a STORY.... a sweet and enjoyable one. I liked the referrece to "True Love Ways", written by Buddy Holly, too. The sex was there but there was real love, too, and, holy of holies, no reflective thoughts of molesting her beautiful young daughters. I was so captivated by the simple love and sweetness of the story that I was actually dreading that that's where the story was going to go. In the purest sense, that would have ruined the story but in another, it could have also been a sweet, beautiful and exciting tangent.... which, from personal experience, is one of the temptations of cheating. VERY GOOD STORY. I GAVE IT A POSITIVE. |
2010-06-20 13:33:15 | My 35 year old virgin mother. | My God!! Doesn't ANYone on this site proof read or know how to spell?? It's no wonder that the ratings on your stories go down. Many people don't write but they do come here to read a good story... not to be aggravated by clearly uneducated writer wannabees. |
2010-07-03 03:58:42 | Stranded Daddies | This story deserves a MUCH higher rating than it has. What a pack of absolute jerk offs there are coming to this site. This was a very well written story that showed a lot of time, insight and planning to have it come out the way it did.... so smoothly. Very thorough work. You certainly know people and understand the psychology that motivates them. You kept the sex clean, too, with no degenerate ass fucking of their daughters. It's too bad that our 'audience' is only interested in quicky suck and fuck stories. In my book, you're a master story teller and the rating that these clods have rendered doesn't matter. To me, they've only proven their ignorance and that they don't recognize or appreciate a true work of art. I hope my positive vote bumps it up in the ratings but it's so far down the scale, already, that it'll soon be out of sight. |
2010-07-23 03:01:14 | THE SOUNDS OF INCEST | I've only read two stories that excited me so much that I was on the brink of cumming as I read it..... this one and another that I read on another site. Both were superb but this was definitely the best one. Great work. |
2010-07-23 19:21:59 | THE SOUNDS OF INCEST | EXCELLENT!!! You built into their relationship just as it would most likely have happened in real life. The only thing that left me 'wanting more' was the lack of an intense and detailed description of their mutual union, after she'd made it clear that she was fully commited to its continuation. In addition to the fact that what they did is incest, it was a great love story. As she finally reasoned out, they're both adults and if they want to have sex with each other, it's perfectly alright and is no one else's business. |