Comments from darkride

Date Story title Comment
2021-05-21 14:10:37 I was conned by a sexy woman. Lovely little story.... just felt it needed a little more toward the end when he was nailed by the hubby.
2021-05-28 04:21:45 Surprise Bedfellows - Part 2 (updated) Thank-you for the mostly positive votes. I appreciate this chapter has 2 things going against it - being a "diary" format, and that LONG paragraph in the middle... Sometimes the characters you create just wont take a breath, dammit! :)
2021-06-27 06:51:31 The Swap - Chapter One Fair enough - though again, it was tagged with Mind Control and D/s, which I'd have thought covered those aspects. Sorry it wasn't your cup of tea.
2021-06-29 21:44:34 Lily's mastiff Nice, straight forward story of a girl and her dog.
2021-06-24 06:05:55 The Swap - Chapter One Sorry to hear that @The_Naked_Guy
I am guessing the issue was the "dog/wolf" aspect of the story? It was tagged as having bestial content...