Comments from Piquet

Date Story title Comment
2008-10-05 23:39:22 Kim possible part one (revised) Poor old Ron misses out =(
2008-10-06 00:12:50 THE VOYEUR_(1) Nice Julia, but I think you still need to do some editing eg."the warm, moist heat' A good poem.
2008-10-26 04:03:11 The First Time for a Pair of First Time Lovers Nice story man. You've created a pair of believable and likable characters. It's great the see that your male character is sensitive and a "bit nerdy". It will be interesting to see where their relationship will go. You might like to consider writing the next episode from J.C's point of view - always a challenge.Btw, the word is 'defloration'.
Well Done.
2008-10-28 05:54:44 Butterscotch Thanks Wantsomefun, This is the first of a series. The next episode will be posted as soon as I put on the finishing touches. btw, the system will not accept the word 'cafe' with an accent - most strange.
2008-11-02 08:49:18 Rachel, My Naughty Little Tomboy Neighbor Nice one. It reminded me of some of the paintings of Norman Rockwell. I like your use of dialogue most of all - well done.