Comments from Piquet

Date Story title Comment
2009-06-12 21:01:43 Do It Now Reminds me of a Swedish girl I knew once who thought that a sofa was called a sausage in English, "I sat on the sausage to watch the TV." But man was she HOT !
Well done Otzchiim. Nice meat metaphors.
- Piquet
2009-06-12 21:32:43 Graveyard Slut 2 Nice one Fallen. You are our new Marquis de Sade !!!
And to people that left harsh negative comments, remember that even though Agatha Christie killed lots of people she was never once tried for murder. Why? Because they only died on paper.
- Piquet.
2009-06-29 04:15:39 Lucia Agreed.Thanks for the feedback !
Cheers from Piquet.
2009-07-03 18:20:42 Alone at Night Excellent Otzchiim. Your best yet in my opinion. Well done !

- Piquet.
2009-07-04 02:07:46 Butterscotch Thanks, If you liked this one please read Parts 2-5 of Butterscotch. And please leave a comment - all opinions are most welcome.
- Piquet