2010-03-26 04:58:39 |
Just one girl.....
Nice to see your writing cherry has been popped. The first comment was correct - expand on your idea. You have the powers of description in place; now seduce us. |
2010-03-31 18:20:53 |
The Rabbit Died - Chapter 3
This was fun, funny, warm, loving and everything a mature romance should be. It was also sexy as all hell. Thank you for a great ending. |
2010-03-31 18:44:16 |
Good story, good imagination, great descriptions. Watch your points of view. Nice job, SS. |
2010-04-05 05:03:23 |
Mental and Physical Asylum
You have a great imagination, but you really need help in proof reading and paragraph structures. This is the second story I've read, and I'm very impressed with this future fantasy world you have created. I feel you need to explain and describe that world more. Not a bad job from a new writer. |
2010-04-10 18:53:34 |
A Very Difficult Daughter
I don't know why I waited so long to read this. An amazing love story. Thank you. |