Comments from Redlust

Date Story title Comment
2018-05-19 10:11:53 Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 1: Slut's Frozen Passion I'm assuming you've read storygal96's unfinished masterpiece time stop. This is a fantastic spiritual successor to it. Very well done
2018-05-19 10:11:53 Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 1: Slut's Frozen Passion I'm assuming you've read storygal96's unfinished masterpiece time stop. This is a fantastic spiritual successor to it. Very well done
2018-12-26 05:35:04 Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 17: Sex Slave's Wild Passion You had 2 chapter 15s and no 16s I spent way too long looking for one.
2020-01-23 09:26:01 There's Something in the Water Chapters 5 to 10 Great story. I have a bit picky brain. The last episode of dragnet aired and was off the air months before the first episode of the twilight zone.
2020-12-16 01:21:12 Quarantined with Mom and My Sisters Chapter 5: Loving Mom and Two Hot Sisters You left out chapter 4