Comments from NKL13

Date Story title Comment
2019-09-09 11:14:58 Mom's Cum Tribute IV @unknown...that is pretty close to what I am thinking of doing. I need to change things with his friends to add more to mom and son. I am planning to hold off on the friends (not discussing much just one time to show why mom/son start doing a bit more). As for other older series...I had planned to merge Great mom, Megan, Tamika and Fathers fantasy, My Sister Kelly and possibly Family Vegas trip. It would take a while.
2019-09-24 23:03:02 Wild Wheel Chp 4 I hit a creative snag with it. I have 9 or 10 planned out. Been consumed with the designer, photographer, makeup artist, and seven models for the second photo shoot for this novella. The photoshoot is to promote it, book cover and maybe adding photos in it. I am working with seven models in Argentina to pull this off. I am very happy you are enjoying. I am hoping this will be a mild success as I would like to make it into a series.
2019-09-25 11:17:46 Wild Wheel Chp 1 Constructive input is appreciated for when I go back through the first draft. Thank you.
2019-09-25 11:18:29 Wild Wheel Chp 2 Constructive input is appreciated for when I go back through the first draft. Thank you.
2019-09-25 11:19:03 Wild Wheel Chp 3 Constructive input is appreciated for when I go back through the first draft. Thank you.