Comments from NKL13

Date Story title Comment
2018-08-02 11:14:12 Mom's Cum Tribute Thank you for the input. Option 1 would eventually lead to sex. I just have not really plotted out too far ahead. Probably within 2 or 3 stories of buildup unless I do some fast forwarding on the timeline. I feel the same way about my third choice saving it for down the road...maybe after the son and mom have sex he tells them about the cum tribute but not about everything else. I have several pathways for this story to go. I am working on another test run story, different from this. I hope to have that done by this weekend.
2018-08-05 16:20:57 Mom's Cum Tribute Mathematician, feel free to pm to discuss this more. I have a few thoughts on this story and I would be interested in your input. I read your stories as well so I am curious as to the feedback you received. I tried to email you but it did not work for some reason.
2018-08-06 10:57:39 Mom's Cum Tribute bubman72, that is the direction I am planning to head in. A slow build up to more going on. I want to make this story 'realistic' or normal in how it would progress. I have a lot of story ideas, just not enough time to work on all of them.
2018-09-03 18:48:33 Megan I am currently reworking this story into a stepdaughter/father/son story to publish on Amazon. I think it is becoming hotter than the first. I have been trying to finish up Megan 10 as well. I hope to have number 10 on here in a week or so. The rework is longer but that is what is selling on Amazon and it is time I earn a bit for the work I put into the stories.
2018-09-08 13:17:15 Mom's Cum Tribute Dont know how long it will be. I am trying to finish up a couple of short stories for Amazon and I really need to start getting my scifi/fantasy rolling on Amazon (may make it a series instead of full story). I am a bit stuck on this one as to what the next part will be, how far things progress.