Comments from NKL13

Date Story title Comment
2015-11-29 03:00:58 Family Vegas Trip Thanks, I am slowly working on a new one. Any other stories you like?
2015-11-30 21:49:16 Family Vegas Trip Thank you for the constructive input. I appreciate it.; you are welcome to pm me with other thoughts or ideas. They do help.

I had planned to start merging story lines until I got burnt out from the negative crap and people stealing my stories, re-posting them elsewhere as their own work.

I also got burnt out from just writing the stories trying to keep them fresh and different, not mention I got burnt out on the incest stories with people thinking it was real. I think I have a few twists in mind for a couple of stories. I will try to work on one and post it soon.
2015-12-01 12:00:08 Family Vegas Trip I currently have an idea for Family Vegas trip, the next Megan (merging 2 other stories with it) and Mom's New Tits. I don't have any thoughts with Great Mom and My sister Kelly...well with My Sister Kelly I have a few, just don't know what direction I want to go. I have some potential ideas for Dorm Room and Helping My Sis. Then I have idea's for new stories as well. I am trying to narrow down to the stories people really like. I would like to do more with Krystyn (I like the switch to a dominant/emo/goth sister). Just a lot of thoughts but not that much time right now to work on all of them.
2015-12-09 04:22:42 Krystyn I have been working on outlines for this story and a few others. I will start posting soon. I may work on this one first as I really like it. I enjoy writing a dominating woman and one with a emo/goth/suicide girl look.
2015-12-17 19:55:25 The Dragon's Pet: Chapter 1 Great job.