Comments from nivek_88

Date Story title Comment
2011-04-17 21:05:55 Camping chapter 3_(0) ok the pee thing wierded me out, but was still great follow up
2011-04-17 21:11:56 Camping chapter 4 great way to end the series, with lovemaking. i liked this series, not more than Kallens Lust, but this was still good. youre really coming along as a writer
2011-04-26 18:41:09 Just What She Needed Hey everyone, Nivek_88 here, thanks for all the interest in Incest Birthday, but can you leave me some feedback on these stories please? I wanna know how I did on the non-incest stories. Oh and I didnt write the Bleach story, Saya91 did, I just edited it for her.
2011-05-03 17:00:06 An incest birthday chapter 14 Hey everyone, Nivek_88 here, I wanted to take a little time off from Incest Birthday to write a few stories that I've wanted to write for a while now, but due to the success of Incest Birthday the ones I did write havent been given a chance to be read or anything because of the high demand for IB. I dont wanna be a one series writer, I want all my stories to have an equal chance to be read without being oveshadowed by another. I am writing IB Chapter 15 now, but when that is published I will continue to write what other stories I have, whether they come first, or IB, I dont know, but I wont abandon them for IB.
2011-05-10 05:41:42 An incest birthday chapter 14 Hey everyone, Nivek_88 here, I have finished IB chapter 15, but due to that virus thing that was on here, it was erased before I had a chance to post it. It will be up in however long it takes me to retype it, which I hope doesn't take long, but it might since I'm a slow typer. Thanks for being patient.

Oh and to the comment below me, I've already said I wouldn't stop the series until I write a final chapter, and I keep my word.