Comments from nivek_88

Date Story title Comment
2011-03-13 00:10:17 An incest birthday chapter 13 Hey everyone, Nivek_88 here, I am writing the story, I'm halfway through it now, remember I'm a slow typer, so please bear with me. I have a lot on my plate now, but I'm going as fast as I can, don't wanna keep you guys waiting too long. Oh, and if you have a question you want an answer to, its best to send me a PM, or if you dont have an account here, send it to my email, I check them both multiple times everyday, thanks.
2011-03-16 18:25:23 An incest birthday chapter 13 Hey everyone, Nivek_88 here, I know I'm taking a long time with the next story and thanks for being patient, I'm going as fast as I can with everything I have going on right now. I'm working on the last couple scenes now, and with how long it takes to validate, it should be up wihin the next week.
2011-03-21 04:09:07 Kallen's lust Im guessing youre using this chapter as a jumping off point. this is a good start, the second should be expanded on more
2011-03-21 04:52:54 Kallen's lust chapter 2 ok now it makes sense why te first was so short. "Punish me" : ) Kallens a freak! please tell me youre writing a third
2011-03-22 15:42:51 An incest birthday chapter 14 Hey everyone Nivek_88 here, I'm glad everyone enjoyed this chapter, it looks like the pov will be from Rita's perspective with a little of the mom thrown in according to the votes. To answer a couple questions I saw, one about "How long does the birthday last?" Well its a double meaing, their actual birthday which is when the sex first happened, and its the day they crossed over into incest. I wanted a title no one used and one that would make you wanna read the story. The other question about "Why this chapter is a women?" I felt that I only have a litte lesbian scenes throughout the series, so what better way to make up for it than by devoting an entire chapter to women? They deserve to be recognized since they made the series what it is. Any more questions I'll be happy to answer, and thanks for reading!