Comments from nivek_88

Date Story title Comment
2010-07-05 18:59:57 An incest birthday chapter 7 hey everyone, nivek_88 here, my microsoft word wont work anymore, something about a product key. i dont know how long its gonna take to fix but ill finish writing as soon as i can.
2010-09-08 23:58:38 An incest birthday chapter 9 just so you guys know, this is not going how you think it is. the father doesnt really know about them, randy was having a dream the whole time, i wasnt gonna say anything but since everyone are making assumptions i might as well clear the air
2010-09-09 00:18:23 An incest birthday chapter 9 i dont know why it didnt post the rest of my story its missing about 2 pages worth of material. anyone know how i can fix this?
2010-09-14 15:30:18 An incest birthday chapter 9 Hey everyone, nivek_88 here, anyone who reads my series should know that you shouldnt always believe what you read, until you read the next chapter. In this case thats exactly what you should be thinking. Even though the last part of this chapter didnt post (I dont know why), I planned everything this exact way, so I could open the door for something else metaphorically. Youll get what I'm saying in chapter 10, when I get around to writing it, might be a while again my microsoft word wont let me type again, anyway thanks for reading.
2010-12-01 17:11:45 Tricked and Treated at a Halloween Party Hey everyone, nivek_88 here, I didnt mean to confuse anyone, this was gonna just be a one story thing. I wasnt planning on making this into a series, I was just taking a break from my other story. I wouldnt know were to continue this, but thanks for all the great feedback.